By buying a Herja shirt, you are helping us funding the next coming editions so they can be richer and even more interesting! And for that, we thank you for your help and your support!
Special Herja annual order
You have until December 15 inclusive to participate!
Our functionning is simple, fill your cart with the products that you like the most, and confirm it.
We will contact you in order to confirm the order as well as the shipping methods.
Once everything is confirmed, you will make a payement by PayPal.
When the minimum limit will be reached, we will immediately launch prints.
Once the package is received, we'll ship it to you by your selected method.
For the shipping, we present to you two solutions :
- retreiving your order in Poitiers
- shipping by Mondial relay (fees will varry according the number of products).
As long as the printing has not been ordered to our provider, you can modify your order or get a full refund.