Wolves circle


Type of combat: team circle*, without honor** and without alliance***.

  • Works on vision in space.
  • Development of strategy and tactics.
  • Development of communication and group cohesion.
  • Cardio work.
  • You must define a Combat Zone and a Non-Combat Zone.
  • You must set an action to perform when one is killed. You can decide that a group can perform the set action only when all members of the group are killed. For example, wait 15 seconds before returning to fight in the combat zone, run around the field, perform push-ups, etc.
  • The groups of fighters spread out in the Combat Zone.
  • When everyone is ready (equipped, in place and ready to fight) you can start the fights.
  • When a fighter is killed, he or she must go to the Out of Combat Zone and perform the agreed action, alone or wait for their group depending on what has been decided.
  • A round ends when there is only one team left in the Battle Zone.
  • The game continues as long as necessary depending on the desired objective: warming up the fighters, raising the cardio to the highest level, etc.

It is a good idea to adapt the actions to be taken in the event of death according to the main objective of the work and the number of participants.

For example with few fighters, it is interesting to choose a short respawn time. This reduced time frame also makes it possible to multiply the fights and increase the cardio'.

* Form fair teams.
** No rules of engagement.
*** Forbidden to form a lasting alliance with another team.