Bridge of Conquests


Type of combat: bridge fight.

  • Communications work.
  • Development of strategy and tactics.
  • Cardio work.
  • Set up a bridge which must be as long as possible (10m minimum) and be wide enough to place four fighters in the front line.
  • Each team is made up of an equal number of fighters, the exercise is interesting from 4 in each group.
  • The bridge will be made up of several parts:
    • The central line. This is where the two teams will face each other at the start of each round. This is the first Starting Point for both teams.
    • The landing lines. Starting from the central line, and in both directions, a line every 2m minimum to the ends of the bridge. The ends representing the last landing line.
  • When a person is killed, they must retreat to the level before their team's Starting Point and wait for:
    • or all the members of her team are killed and therefore join her on her landing.
    • or all the members of her team decide to rescue her on her landing.
  • As soon as a whole team is back on a tier, that tier becomes the team's new Starting Point.
  • The center line is not considered a landing.
  • To win the game, you must kill all the opposing fighters in their last level.